When I Was Just Starting Out...

It feels right for my first post to be about my journey to legacy giving consulting.  

I practiced law for many years and felt like "something was missing."  I was always drawn to volunteer work for nonprofits, so I set out to talk with as many people in the nonprofit world that I could in order to see where I could fit in. I knew that I didn't want to practice law in a nonprofit setting, but instead use my skills to do something else (what that was, I wasn't sure at the time!).

Luckily, I met with a wonderful woman, the CFO of a major arts organization, that within 5 minutes said to me "you should be doing planned giving."  I didn't even know what that was!  Further exploration, and a few months later, landed me a job as a planned giving associate, and then 18 years later (yikes!) and a couple director of planned giving jobs under my belt, and lots of teaching and coaching positions, I realized that I wanted to reach as many nonprofit professionals as I can to help them build their programs and raise more money.  And, hence, I launched Everyday Planned Giving not even a year ago.

Right after I launched the wonderful people at MarketSmart (who I have used for my clients and highly recommend) asked me to speak on their podcast about my experiences initially launching my business.  It was a lot of fun, and even more laughs listening to it just months later - so much has happened since then!

You can have a listen here:

So now that you know a little bit about me, feel free to email me and tell me a little about you.  I read and respond to every email!

Until next time -



How to Ask for Legacy Gifts (by changing your mindset)